Shiba unveiled the world’s largest jelly gum in Tehran Book Garden and recorded it in The Guinness Book of Records. The main purpose of this event is to draw the attention of domestic and global audiences to the life of endangered dolphins, and the continuance of these measures in order to support the healthy life of dolphins and to emphasize the importance of the environment is considered as one of the future plans.
Besides achieving the brand objective, which is the happiness of all creatures, Shiba is determined to take action to support the life of dolphins. Dolphins are a group of creatures that due to poaching and contamination of their habitat, their self-interested abuse in circuses and dolphinariums are endangered and stand in need of support. With regard to the social responsibility goals that Shiba pursues, they decided to take measures to protect these intelligent and adorable creatures. The intention of such a procedure dates back to one year ago. Following seven months of various studies, preparations and feasibility studies, the construction of the world’s largest jelly gum took five months.
The Guinness Book of World Records has strict rules and regulations. One of these rules is that the product should be manufactured consistently and with standard jelly gum ingredients which can stand for a certain period of time without assistance. It is also regulated that food products be consumed without wasting, therefore Shiba re-melted the world’s largest jelly gum into heart-shaped 90-gram smaller packages. Eventually, 13,472 limited and collectible packages were produced, which are sold with the assistance of Nikan Mammut Charity Foundation. The revenue would be donated to PLAN4theLAND Society to educate children on the life of dolphins.